Early last week we received an urgent call from Designer Eleisha Gray, (www.eleishagray.com) who is currently working on the new Fortress Gaming Room at Emporium in Melbourne, (www.fortressmelbourne.com).
Would we be able to make a frame, from brass rod, to support some banners for Fortress Melbourne, oh and I need it by Thursday & and I need 2 of them in an Antique Bronze Finish please? At first our heads exploded and then we began thinking, perhaps we could put something together. I quick rummage through our parts tub & then through our supplier’s catalogues and we were away. The parts were quickly supplied, so it was all hands-on deck as they were stripped of lacquer, polished and coloured. Then we had to thread some rod, (after we had made a tool to do this) and begin assembling the 2 banner frames. After a few false starts when components would not go together, we were able to get one frame together and then colour match all the components. A late night and an early morning and we were able to complete the job by Thursday morning ready for them to be hung that day and they came up a treat I must say.